Slow Cooker Time

So today for the first time ever, I got out the slow cooker that my sister gave me and we tried it out.

I had no clue what to do with it, so of course I chose the place where everyone knows the answer to everything, Twitter. I vaguely remembered that The Moiderer had some slow cooker recipes on her blog, so I tweeted her and I was right. She told me to click on the picture of the slow cooker to get some recipes. So off I trotted and there are some lovely recipes on there. Lots that I want to try. More

Fitness Friday

Creative Writing e-course

British Mummy Bloggers

Slow Cooker Revolution

FlogYoBlog Friday

Judith’s Room

The Secret Post Club

The Gallery

Blog Gems

Dear So And So…

PenPal Club

Writing Workshop

Get Crafty

Play Academy

Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday