The House Of…

Sickness, illness and bugs,

Don’t come to visit.

Unless you want a cough, headache, chest infection, ear infection, throat infection, and a vomiting bug where you can’t even keep water down. More

Only Twenty Four Hours!

I have so many things that are on my mind at the moment. And it is driving me mad.

I thought I had the answer today, something that would solve our money problems but it was not to be. I was gutted and really grumpy.

Although I then thought about it some more and realised that I was being silly. I already have something that will do that it is just finding the time to do it. More

Chasing I want…

I am always chasing things at the moment. I have a point where I want things to be but never seem to get there, just constantly chasing it! It is driving me mad!

1) I want the house tidy! I mean tidy, really tidy. I want the kitchen sorted, the office clean that would be a lovely thing.

2) I want the ironing done, we have so much we can’t actually tidy our bedroom as there is too much ironing!

3) I want all the washing done. More

How Things Never Go The Way You Think

I was dreading today.

Mr L was working and was taking my car as his is not drivable at the moment, so Baba and I were stranded.  Our house was a mess and I generally was thinking it was going to be a bit of a pants day.

How wrong was I? More

Oh Dear

So this weekend I had a list, a list of things that I really wanted to get done over the weekend. Things that were going to make my life easier, the house look nicer and the working side of my life easier and happier. There weren’t many things on the list only four things, cleaning, gardening, dog walking and writing space. So all manageable things over a weekend. More

Household Cleaning!

So this weekend we had to sort out the top room, meaning that we have had to sort out the mess that has been up there!

All the things that I don’t really know what to do with have been put up in that top room, since Baba was born and over the past few days they have all been brought back down again. But I still don’t know what to do with it all. So it is just piled up in the study at the moment as have no clue where to put it all. More

Fitness Friday

Creative Writing e-course

British Mummy Bloggers

Slow Cooker Revolution

FlogYoBlog Friday

Judith’s Room

The Secret Post Club

The Gallery

Blog Gems

Dear So And So…

PenPal Club

Writing Workshop

Get Crafty

Play Academy

Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday